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The Antique Dictionary

A definitive resource on terms related to European antiques including core terms as well as history and context


While most folks know what an armoire is, they may not realize  . . . CLICK for more details and pictures

buffet deux corps

a larger scale cabinet made up of . . . CLICK for more details and pictures


jam cabinet


a French word for a buffet- or server-like piece . . . CLICK for more details and pictures


an open-shelved display piece. . . CLICK for more details and pictures

garde mange

the direct modern translation is. . . CLICK for more details and pictures


derived from the French word for bread (pain). . . CLICK for more details and pictures


a dough box – Bread dough would be placed . . .CLICK for more details and pictures

prie Dieu

in French this directly translates as . . .CLICK for more details and pictures

table à abattant

While some translate this as “drop leaf table,” we prefer . . .CLICK for more details and pictures


a small, glass-paneled, locking cabinet for . . .CLICK for more details and pictures


a French term for a piece of furniture used for . . .CLICK for more details and pictures


a small display cabinet, typically . . . CLICK for more details and pictures


a glass-paneled cabinet for . . . CLICK for more details and pictures

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